یا حَیُّ یا قَیّوم

ای زنده، ای پاینده

Knowing what is big and what is small is more important than being able to solve partial differential equations.a

(1909 - 1984) Stan Ulam

بر اساس موضوع

آنالیز حقیقی

آنالیز عددی پیشرفته

جبر خطی عددی

معادلات دبیفرانسیل با مشتقات جزیی

عملگرهای دیفرانسیل ریاضی - فیزیک

تحقیق در عملیات پیشرفته


Real Anlysis - G. B. Folland
Measure Theory and Integration - G. Debarra
Measure Theory, A First Course - C. S. Kubrursky
Elements of Operator Theory - C. S. Kubrusly
Functional Analysis - W. Rudin
Real and Complex Analysis - W. Rudin
An Course in Functional Analysis - J. B. Conway
A Course in Operator Theory - J. B. Conway

Functional Analysis - Y. Eidelman, V. Milman, and A. Tsolomitis
An Introduction to Functional Analysis - C. Swartz
Introduction to Operator Theory and Invariant Subspaces - B. Beauzamy
Basic Operator Theory - I. Gohberg and S. Goldborg
Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization Theory and Exawordes - J.M. Borwein and A.S. Lewis
Convex Analysis - R.T. Rockafelar
Locally Convex Spaces - H. Jarchow
Topological Vector Spaces - G. Kothe
Topological Vector Spaces - H. H. Schafer and M. P. Wolff
Vector measures - J. Diestel and J. J. Uhl. Jr
Absolutely Summing Operator - J. Diestel, H. Jarchow and A. Tonge
Isometrics on Banach spaces, Function spaces - R. J. Fleming and J. E. Jamison
Composition Operators on Functions Spaces - R. K. Singh and J. S. Manhas
Optima and Equilibria, An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis - J. P. Aubin
Fixed point Theorms with Applications to Economics and Game theory - K.C. Border
Nonlinear Functional Analysis - D. Klaus
Nonlinear Functional Analysis - W. Takahashi
Methods in Nonlinear Analysis - K.C. Chang
An Introduction to Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theory - M.A. Khamsi and W. A. Kirk
Hendbook of Metric Fixed Point Theory - W.A. Kirk and B. Sims
The Chniques of Variational Analysis - J. Borwein, Q. J. Zhu
Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I - B. S. Mordukhovich
Variational Analysis and Applications - F. Giannessia and A. Maugeri
هندسه فضاهای باناخ
Topics in Banach Space Theory - F. Albiac and N. J.Kalton
Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces - J. Diestel
Classical Sequences in Banach Spaces - S. Guerre-Delabrier
Classical Banach spaces - J. Lindenstrass and L. Tzafriri
An introduction to Banach space theory - E. Megginson
آناليز روی گروههای توپولوژيک
Abstract Harmonic analysis, Vol. 1 - E. Hewitt and V. A. Ross
The Analogue of the Group Algebra for Topological Semigroup - H. A. M. D Zinotyiweyi

Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups No. 100 - C. Berg and J.P.R. Christensen and P. Ressel
Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vol I , II - E. Hewitt and K. A. Ross
An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis - L.H. Loomis
Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 2 - E. Hewitt and K.A. Ross
The Analogue of the Group Algebra for Topological Semigroups - H.A.M. Dzinotyiweyi
نمايش گروههای موضعًا فشرده
Representation of *-Algebras - J.M.G. Fell, S. Doran
Locally Compact Groups and Banach *-algebras - J.M.G. Fell, S. Doran
Locally Compact Groups, and Banach *-algebraic Bandles”, Vol 1, 2 - J.M.G. Fell, S. Doran
Abstract Harmonic Analysis” Vol 1 - E. Hewitt & K. A. Ross
Introduction to representation Theory of Compact and Locally Compact Groups - A. Robert
نظريه ضربگرها روی جبرهای باناخ
Banach Algebras and Automatic Continuity - H. G. Dales
The Multiplier Problem - R. Larsen
Banach Algebras and the General Theory of *- Algebras - T. W. Palmer
نظريه - جبرها
C*- Algebras and Operator Theory - G. J. Murphy
Banach Algebras and Automatic Continuity - H. G. Dales
نظريه نيم گروهها
The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, Vol. I , II - A.H. Clifford and G. B. Preston
An Introduction to Semigroup Theory - J.M. Howie
ميانگين پذيری گروهها و نيمگروهها
Analysis on semigrou ps - J. F. Berglund, H. D. Junghen, P. Milnes
Amenable Locally Compact Groups - J. P. Pier
آناليز روی نيمگروهها
Analysis on Semigroups - J. F. Berglund, H. D. Junghen, P. Milnes
آناليز فوريه روی گروههای جابجايی
The Fourier Algebra of a Locally Compact Group - P. Eymard
Abstract Harmonic analysis Vol 1 - E. Hewitt & K. A. Ross
Fourier Analysis on Groups - W. Rudin
Lectures on Amenability - V. Runde
جبرهای اندازه روی گروهها و نيم گروهها
Banach Algebras on Semigroups and Their Compactification - H. G. Dales, A.T.M. Lau and D. Strauss
The Second Duals of Beurling algebras - H.G. Dales and A.T.M. Lau
The analogue of the group algebra for topological semigroup - H.A.M. Dzinotyiweyi
The l1-algebra of a commutative semigroup - E. Hewitt and H. S. Zuckerman
Abstract Harmonic analysis - E. Hewitt & K.A. Ross
جبرهای فوريه و فوريه استيلجس روی گروهها
Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Vol I - E. Hewitt & K. A. Ross
Amenable Locally Compact Groups - J. Pier
Lectures on Amenability - V. Runde

Functions of One Complex Variable - J. B. Conway
Complex Analysis in One Variable - R. Narasimhan, Y. Nievergelt
Real and Complex Analysis - W. Rudin
Complex Analysis; The Geometric Viewpoint - S. G. Krantz
From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds - F. Fritzsche and H. Grauert
Introduction to Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables, Vol I, II - R. C. Gunning
Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables - L. Kaup, B. Kaup
Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis - M. Jarnicki, P. Pflug
Hyperbolic Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings - S. Kobayashi
Hyperbolic Complex Spaces - S. Kobayashi
Introduction to Complex Hyperbolic Spaces - S. Lang
Geometric Function Theory in Several Complex Variables - J. Noguchi, T. Ochiai
Introductions to Holomorphic, Functions of Several Variables - R. C. Gunning
Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables - R. C. Gunning, H. Rossi
Function Theory in Several Complex Variables - T. Nishino
Nonsmooth Analysis and Control
Theory - F. H. Clarke, Yu. S. Ledyaev, R. J. Stern, P. R. Wolenski
Optimization and Nonsmooth Analysis, Wiley Interscience - F. H. Clarke

Algebra - T. W. Hungerford
مقدمه ای بر نظريه مدولها -  سيامک ياسمی و محمدرضا پورتکی
A Course in the Theory of Groups – D. J. S. Robinson
Finite groups - D. Gorenstein
Permutation Groups - D. J. Dixon and B. Mortimer
Permutation Groups - D.S.Passman
Finite Permutation Groups - H.Wielandt
A Course on Group Theory - J. S. Rose
Group Representation Theory - L. Dornhoff
Character Theory of Finite groups - B. Huppert
Representations and Characters of Groups - G. James and M.Liebeck
Representation and Character of Groups - G. James and M. Liebeck - ترجمه دكتر محمدرضا درفشه
Soluble and Nilpotent Linear Groups - D. Suprunenko
Infinite Linear Groups - B.A.F. Wehrfritz
Presentation of Groups - D. L. Johnson
Infinite Abelian Groups, Vols I and II - L. Fuchs
Non Commutattive Rings, Carus Mathematical Monographs - N. Herstein
A First Course in Noncommuatiive Rings - T.Y.Lam
The Theory of Infinite Soluable Groups - J. C. Lennox and D. J. S. Robinson
Introduction to Commutative Algebra - M. F. Atiyah, I. G. Macdonald
Commutative Rring Theory - H. Matsumura
An introduction to Homological Algebra - J. Rotman
An introduction to homological algebra - Charles A. Weibel
Relative Homological Algebra - E. Enochs, O.M.G. Jenda
N. Elements of Mathematics. Commutative Algebra - Bourbaki
Commutativing Theory - H. Matsumura
Graded Ring Theory - C. Nastasescu and F. Van Oystaeyen
Lessons on rings Modules and Multiplicities - D. G. Northcott
Algebraic Geometry - R. Hartshorne
Sheaf Theory - B. R. Tennison
An Algebraic Introduction to K-theory - Bruce A. Magurn
Algebraic K-Theory and its Applications - Jonathan Rosenberg
Algebraic K-Theory - V. Srinivas
Local Cohomology: an algebraic introduction - M. P. Brodmann and R. Y. Sharp
Graduate texts in Math - Dale Husemoller, Fibre Bundles
Principles of Algebraic Geometry - P. Griffinth, J. Harris
A Taste of Jordan Algebras - K. Mc Cirimmun
An Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras - R. D. Schafer
Lie algebras”, “Theory and Algorithms - W. Graaf
Introduction to Finite Dimensional Lie algebras and Representations - J. Humphreys
Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory - E. Humphreys
Lie algebras - N. Jacobson
Notes on Lie algebras - H. Samelson
Infinite Dimensional Lie algebras - V. Kac
Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions - R. V. Moody, A. Pianzola, John Wiley
A. Pianzola Extended Affine Lie Algebras and Their Root Systems - B. Allison S. Azam, S. Berman, Y. Gao
Reflection groups and Coxeter groups - J. E. Humphregs
Algebraic Graph Theory - N. Biggs
Algebraic Graph Theory - C. Godsil and G. Royle

An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry - W. M. Boothby
Riemannian Geometry - T. Sakai
Riemannian Geometry - M. P. Do Carmo
Introduction to Smooth Manifolds - J. M. Lee
Riemannian Manifolds”, “An Introduction to Curvature - J. M. Lee
A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry - M. Spivak
A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol 1 - M. Spivak
Modern Geometry-Methods and Applications - B. A. Dubrovin, A. T. Fomenko, S. R. Novikov
A Course in Differential Geometry - W. Klingenberg
Differential Geometry, Curves-Surfaces-Manifolds - W. Kühnel

توپولوژی جبری
Basic Topology - M. A. Armstrong
Algebraic Topology: A First Course - W. Fulton
Algebraic Topology: An Introduction - W. Massey
A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology - W. Massey
Algebraic Topology - E. Spanier
An Introduction to Homological Algebra - C. Weibel
توپولوژی ديفرانسيل
Differential Topology - V. Guillemin, A. Pollack
Differential Topology - M. W. Hirsch

Riemann Surfaces - H. M. Farkas, I. Kra
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces - O. Forster
Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces - R. Miranda
Quelques Aspects des Surfaces de Riemann - E. Reyssat
From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds - F. Fritzsche and H. Grauert
Complex Manifolds, Halt - J. Morrow, K. Kadaira
Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds - R. O. Wells
Principles of Algebraic Geometry - P. Griffinth, J. Harris
Algebraic Geometry - R. Hartshorne
Introduction to Algebraic Curves - P. Griffiths
Topics in Algebraic and Analytic Geometry - P. Griffiths, J. Adams
Principles of Algebraic Geometry - P. Griffiths, J. Harris
Complex Algeraic Curves - F. Kirwan
گروههای لی
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Representations, An Elementary Introduction - B. Hal
Lie groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations - V. S. Varadorajan
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Cohomology - A.W. Knapp
Lie Groups, Beyond an Introduction - A.W. Knapp
Lie Groups, An Introduction Through Liner Groups - W. Rossmann
Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions - R. V. Moody, A. Pianzola
Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory GTM 9 - J. E.Humphreys
 N. Lie Algebras - Jacobson

Non-commutative Geometry - A. Connes
Elements of Non-Commutative Geometry Birkhaeuser - J. M. Garcia-Bondia, J. C. Varilly and H. Figueroa
An Introduction to Non-commutative Differential Geometry and its Physical
Applications - J. Madore